
K9 crystal shaped and tinted with cobalt oxide, dichroic glass sheets layered with metal oxides, and precision-made optical beam splitters

This glass sculpture captures a black hole’s event horizon, contrasting a dark orb with vibrant, refractive glass, symbolizing light’s absorption and cosmic mysteries in a dynamic, enigmatic composition.

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Mefio is a glass artist renowned for delving into the world of overlaid polychromatic metallic films on glass. With an unyielding passion for art, Mefio’s creations are born from meticulous layering and film manipulation, revealing vibrant colour interplay and depth—a dance of light and shadow. Grounded in Minimalist abstract art, Mefio crafts abstract artworks using geometric shapes and employs the goniochromatic effect for iridescence. Utilizing glass, metallic films, and resin, the art pieces are constructed with refined outlines, sharp angles, and geometry.

One of Mefio’s captivating glass sculptures strikingly represents the event horizon of a black hole, where all spectrums of light and colour are pulled into its inescapable gravity. Crafted with a myriad of prismatic glass pieces jutting from a central orb, the artwork juxtaposes the impenetrable darkness of the black sphere with the luminous.

Product dimensions: 150 x 150 x 150 mm