Spilt Milkshake - New Edition

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Spilt Milkshake - New Edition

by Elliot Walker


Made famous by Netflix’s Blown Away Season 2, this work was dreamed up in response to a task given by professional football player and glass enthusiast Steven Weatherly – ‘To create a piece of Art which represents a personal hurdle to the artist.’

Elliot’s truly British response to this task was, in his words, ‘fairly reserved’. 

Elliot explains Spilt Milk represents one’s attitude towards oneself and how to move forward after a hurdle. Elliot studied this approach during his psychology degree, using CAT (Cognitive Analytic Therapy). CAT encourages the active separation of the self from emotions and turmoil to better understand and cope with them – ‘Focus on what you can control.’

Simon Bruntnell Photography

4 in stock

The Limited Edition of 7

We have 4 of 7 Spilt Milk in Strawberry currently available


Product dimensions: 400 x 200 x 400 mm | Product weight: 2.5 kg

About the artist

Elliot Walker

I am a sculptor working with molten glass as my primary medium. I studied glass making in the Historic Glass Quarter, Stourbridge, where I developed my basic skills that are the essential foundation for creating works in this challenging medium.

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