Tongue of Humblebee, by Verity Pulford

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Tongue of Humblebee, by Verity Pulford

by Verity Pulford


Verity Pulford is a glass artist living and working in rural North Wales.

She uses a variety of processes to create her work-combining kiln-forming and architectural
techniques in unique ways to create vessels, sculpture, lighting, installation, architectural
and public art.

Verity’s work is inspired by organic structures- in particular the small details- the shapes and
textures of algae, fungi, lichen, moss and ferns. She is fascinated by the catalouging of
nature- natural history artefacts, early cyanotypes, x-rays, microscopic images of the human
body and botanical drawings.

Stephen Heaton Photography

1 in stock

‘Tongue of Humblebee’- Verity often use elements of vintage microscopic slides in her
work. This particular slide which was the inspiration for this wallpiece, dates from the late
1800’s. It shows this by its use of the old name that Darwin gave to the bumblebee- the
humblebee. It's amazing tongue removed for scientific study surrounded by a wreath of
alternative pate de verre ferns and including the original handwritten label.

Product dimensions: 100 x 600 x 600 mm | Product weight: 5 kg

About the artist

Verity Pulford

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